
Hi I'm Steve Futcher and this is my website. I'm a software developer based in Manchester, England. My day job is developing applications using both the Microsoft stack and Android. This website is a side project allowing me to explore the LAMP stack and other open source technologies. In particular as a personal site, I am free to disregard support for older browsers and concentrate on emergent standards and features found in HTML5 and CSS3 to deliver a modern, mobile first and responsive user experience.

I am a big fan of the ASP.Net MVC framework, in many ways it encapsulates the changes Microsoft has undergone in recent years. Its support of web standards such as out-of-the-box model binding for JSON data represents major change from the "Microsoft way or the highway" approach of the 90s. Likewise the decision to contribute open source code to the Git libraries and implement Git support in VS2013 can only be applauded.

Mobile application development is exciting, these days everybody has a smartphone in their pocket. I have been fortunate to work on a couple of enterprise Android applications, and would love to expand into iOS. I also feel that Windows 10 could be the making of enterprise mobile applications, although that is far from a certainty.

My world was rocked in early 2012 and then again in late 2013 by the arrival of two beautiful baby girls. Many of my hopes and aspirations to explore new technologies using this website depend on getting a good nights sleep on a regular basis. Subject to this I hope to implement a blog application, and possibly back end support for an Android application on this site. Current framework contenders are Turbogears or AngularJS, but watch this space.